Thursday, February 28, 2013


I just finished doing some tsumego with my new go board. It's definitely more fun since I can try out different moves on the board and it's easier to see where the weaknesses of my shapes are. 

Tsumego are problems about life and death. It's an interesting turn of phrase; life here meaning that your stones do not get captured ("killed"). I've been reading up using online resources and it seems like Go is about gaining territory through expanding and strengthening your structure. It's like putting up walls against an  invading army. The worst thing that could happen is if your territory gets undercut, isolating your stones. In the martial arts, the one thing we must not do is to lose the integration within our body that allows us to dissipate and deliver force. Tsumego trains the mind to always seek out a stable formation that is invulnerable to attack, or renders the other side vulnerable.

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