This is a picture of my pack of I Ching cards. I found it in a bookstore years ago and have played with it off and on over the years. The cards are interesting as they incorporate Biblical passages to help explain the divination. I don't really believe in it, but it's fun because it provides a system by which I can get myself out of my usual habits. For example, at the beginning of the month I might do a divination; whatever the cards say, and invariably they are of a constructive/positive nature, I do. I find that it introduces novelty to my day-to-day existence, and it also encourages me to find out things that I would not have discovered if I had remained stuck inside myself.
It turns out randomness can be a lot more beneficial than we think. Randomness interpreted to mean uncertainty over the outcome is one of the most fundamental concepts of Game Theory - that of the mixed strategy equilibrium. What I'm doing with the cards is randomizing between multiple outcomes with positive outcomes for me, like how a husband and wife would flip a coin between the movies each one wants to see. Randomness interpreted as unpredictability is very important in the martial arts. Without random events, we wouldn't have improvisation. And playing around randomly with concepts and structures is the only way to achieve true mastery or make discoveries.
Let's all try to get more of the positive randomness in our lives. Here is a good start :)
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