To tell you the truth, it kind of crept up on me. What reason would a coffee drinker give when asked how he got hooked on his beverage?
I liked Sistar19's rehearsal video for their single "Ma Boy," I think it started there. It was unusual to me that a performer would release a video of their practice, where one would think that making sure the illusion of effortlessness is preserved would be the priority. From Sistar19 I moved on to liking the main group, Sistar (the naming scheme is also something I like to have occupy my thoughts - Are they sisters? They don't look nineteen...).
Beyond the the members' charm and looks, I find amazing their dedication to their careers. I remember reading an article about the group Rainbow (Are they supposed to be delicate and varied in personality like the colors of a rainbow? Do they only come out after it rains?), that they often have to take public transportation to a performance since they aren't that popular. Then in an opposite situation we have a group like T-ARA that is so busy they only get three hours of sleep daily, and they can't even take bathroom breaks. But popular or no, both of them most likely are the same in that for every number they have to practice choreography numerous times a day, every day, for months. For the same level of effort on one form they would probably be martial arts masters by now.
I picked up on T-ARA after watching Ham Eun-jeong in "Dream High." While MissA's Suzy (Are they A-listers? Help me out here) took time to grow on me, I instantly took a liking to Ms. Eun-jeong. I wanted to find out more about her and, several months of checking Youtube videos and articles later, here we are.
I really like this group. Hyomin is a comedian and Soyeon is very articulate; Jiyeon is adorable, Eun-jeong is accomplished and very talented. Hwayoung, Ahreum, and Dani aren't slouches either. They come across as human to me (Eun-jeong watched "Gakistal"! What an ahjumma...).
Now, I am aware that all this may be a production orchestrated by the executives that employ them. They may not actually be as personable as they make themselves appear. Then again, who is? They are professionals who perform a service, and they do it quite well even in the face of sickness or internal pressures. Regardless of how their career is advancing they work hard because this is what they love. I think within the group Ms. Jeon Boram is the best example of this. I'm sure that others would disagree, but in my opinion she's the heart of the group.
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