Sunday, May 25, 2014


The React videos by the Fine brothers is one of my new addictions. They have a pool of elders, youth, and YouTube celebrities react to all sorts of trends in pop culture. I in particular like this video about a first-time YouTube uploader; I think deep down everybody who runs a blog, vlog, channel, page, what have you started like this kid. When I started out on this blog I in particular was excited for the statistics, how many people viewed my post or where they came from. I was particularly elated when I got my first comment - which most likely a bot :'(.

Another interesting thing was how the whole discussion went on a tangent about the history of YouTube. I actually had an account back when it was starting out; I still have it, and I've steadfastly refused to let Google change the username for it. It's a nostalgia thing - however I can definitely say that YouTube right now is so much more diverse. Back then the videos were super-short, but once the clip was loaded you could rerun it however long you wished. And the videos didn't have the production values we have today.

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