Monday, May 19, 2014

Seeing things from another point of view.

I've been a Reddit lurker for a long time now. It's an amazing forum where you can get opinions and viewpoints on anything, posted by people from every conceivable background all over the world. It functions like a hive mind at times and it can get things catastrophically wrong. But I think it's worth it when you have the opportunity to get gems like this thread.

The site makes me feel more connected to the human race. I learn that there are almost a thousand others at least who have experienced Insta-Shits, countless others who have had it worse than me and yet are still keeping at it, and the same number have horrible secrets that would bring mine to shame. It's like this big bar where everybody has some weird, stupid, horrible, funny story to tell.

I love the r/AskReddit page. It gets me out of my headspace, from thinking that I'm the only one experiencing this or no one else knows what I'm going through. Yes, other people are going through the exact same things, sometimes even worse, and they also don't know what to do. 

We don't win a lot. But we're also not alone in the world. 

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