Sunday, December 15, 2013

Age of Wushu

Wallpaper image from Age of Wushu Media page

All this wuxia stuff is making me want to try out this MMO. I'm reading good things about the game over at Massively so I was thinking, why not?

I'm really liking the idea behind their Player versus Player system, in that it resembles fighting games a lot. What I don't like is that the MMO still maintains a significant resemblance to other MMORPG's that exploit the grinding mechanic. If it takes a while to build my character up to a level that satisfies me then I'll just stick with Yomi - the characters there were balanced by a professional game designer and by some dedicated players, and they focus totally on the fighting aspect.

The movement abilities though are superb - I would really enjoy spending time just moving around in the air and over water:

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