Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Matthew 6:26

This verse in the Bible talks about the birds in the air, and how we should not fear for our future because God values us more than birds, whom He already greatly cares for.

...Except He doesn't, really. Care about them all that much, I mean. Birds don't have food shoved down their throats. They have to search for food from wherever. I've even seen birds eat leftover scraps of chicken off trash from a fast-food restaurant.

Animals in the wild contend with competition, starvation, parasites, inclement weather... the list goes on. We don't see those who can't adapt to these circumstances. And when we fell trees for our own human reasons the birds lose shelter and food.

If God treats His birds this way, whom He cares for, what can we, who are supposed to be more valuable, come to expect?

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