Friday, February 26, 2016

An interesting thing happened on the way home from work.

The guy was walking near the parking lot outside the office. He was absorbed with his phone so he didn't see the car exiting the parking lot. Car's driver honked his horn and startled phone guy probably, because after the latter looked up and registered the car that almost hit him he proceeded to act all cocky by slowing down his walking pace. Driver got even more impatient and honked his horn, phone guy kept on taking his bloody time - blocking driver from getting off the parking lot.

Eventually there was enough room for the car to get out. Driver then pulled up to phone guy; driver kept the car going abreast of phone guy as he walked. I heard some words being exchanged, some manly staring. Then driver sped the car up and went on with his life.

Phone guy went back to his phone.

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