Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Easy Access

It was recently after I graduated that I got to work for a company fielding customer service calls. In the office there was this one person who liked to wear short skirts. While there was a dress code, it wasn't strictly enforced - shorts were fine, even pajamas were okay too.

She had friends in the office; most of them were male, or at least those I saw gravitating to her were. There were two lesbians she was close with too. This subgroup of the greater circle that was her office acquaintances, used to call her "Easy Access" - because presumably her short skirts provided that convenience. 

There was one time I was talking to another co-worker about their computer station layout or whatever, I forget. But for some reason or other I remember saying something was for easy access; turned out she was close and had overheard. She gave a quick glance, then went back to her work.

I wonder how long it took before she stopped thinking people were referring to her when someone said "easy access." And I hope she found a better circle of friends.

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