I was browsing over some of my previous posts and found one where I realized I had forgotten the context behind it completely. In just a few months I was already a different person who probably would never have written that. Good thing I was able to save it; this blog is becoming a secondary storage space for stuff in my head.
Here's another thing: if you think about it, I am in a way similar to an organism that consumes information. I read and experience things everyday, I process it and then think about the processing that is happening. I shit out ideas and concepts and associations, as well as the information where these things come from. Ideally I add more than I take away, but we can settle for spreading it, like a bird would the seeds it swallows.
I am a bird that ranges across continents.
In the sea without lees
Standeth the bird of Hermes
Eating his wings variable
And maketh himself yet full stable
When all his feathers be from him gone
He standeth still here as a stone
Here is now both white and red
And all so the stone to quicken the dead
All and some without fable
Both hard and soft and malleable
Understand now well and right
And thank you God of this sight
The bird of Hermes is my name eating my wings to make me tame.
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