Managed to overhear a conversation today. Two friends were gossiping about this rich, smart professional who had to separate from her husband. Friend A said that the divorcee had difficulties supporting her children in spite of the alimony when Friend B suddenly pipes up with "She should demand for her right, her husband should support her." This was just milliseconds after Friend A mentioned the alimony.
I remembered another conversation, this time about a girl trashing someone who was not part of their group. Said someone had at some point for whatever reason held her hand by the wrist - at this point one of the listeners interjected with "Were you hurt? Are you okay?" I knew at this point a rumor was born about that poor soul.
Neil Gaiman observed this phenomenon before. He said something to the effect that it was a trademark of his, portraying characters in the act of conversation who weren't really paying attention to what each other was saying. You get two or more people, talking at cross-purposes. Lost in their own worlds, going off on a tangent touched off by something they heard. Failing to listen at the most inopportune times.
I think it's an offshoot of us thinking we're so special. That we could figure out someone like Sherlock Holmes does, failing to see how utterly contrived some of the situations were and how the real world isn't as neatly understandable. That we're so good and nice and exempt from the law and our actions have no consequences. Or maybe, that we shit and fart roses.
Monkey talk. Monkey talk, all of it.
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