Monday, July 29, 2013

Things Meta

Meta-awareness - this blog post I find very relevant to what I strive for everyday. Truth be told, for all that I know and studied I'm still prone to many mistakes and errors of judgement. For example there was the thought process that got recorded in this gem; now that my Magic buzz has worn off I am realizing what a huge mistake I've made. For those who don't play, I entreat you to try out this site that simulates the shuffling of my deck and drawing an opening hand. The idea is to somehow make the deck's card composition of a certain proportion so that this opening hand has a decent mix of creatures, spells, and land. A secondary goal is to make the drawing of cards during subsequent turns actually relevant to a player's current board state. 

Needless to say, my deck's opening hands suck. Compare this deck, which has the same theme but an even better execution. And said deck costs three times less than mine. Yeah.

But my most recent lapse in judgement was when I went on a shopping spree this weekend, buying amongst other things a kilogram of dried red chili peppers. Now, I do love me some good dried chili pepper, but as my mother so helpfully pointed out, with the amount I bought we had enough for a year. That is, if my whole family were eating the stuff. Because I'm the only one who eats spicy food. And at the rate I eat the peppers, most of what I bought would probably go bad given the humid climate we're in.

As I write this I am feeling the burning in my stomach from eating too much of the peppers. "I regret nothing" is something I could say, but it would be a lie.

We need to pay attention to what we're thinking, how we're thinking it, and when we're not thinking. It's a real tall order of business. I'm just thankful my lapses aren't life-threatening. But then again, everything is connected after all. I may soon have occasion for even more regret because of the above.

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