Wednesday, April 17, 2013

On dealing with aggression

In the end, I don't have to live with this fellow, so I don't really care if he is an idiot. And we can't all go about our lives trying to correct the behaviour of idiots.

In this regard, I always say that it is pointless trying to swat mosquitoes at a barbecue. You'll never get them all. You're far better off applying insect repellant or moving indoors. Idiots are the same: too numerous to deal with on a case-by-case basis.

So I agree with my friend Jeff Mann when he says:

    "I completely understand and share your sentiments. While some of the resistance we may offer (verbal or otherwise) is designed to make us feel better, there is an element of spite in there as well."
As understandable as it is to have a strong reaction to bullying, I don't think emotion should be the impetus for our actions.

Pearls of wisdom from Mr. Dan Djurdjevic. I find myself reading his series of articles on non-aggression a lot lately. I'm a hothead and even though my implementation of his ideas is not perfect, he's helped me make things not as worse as they could be. Hopefully this can help someone out there - link

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