Friday, October 19, 2012

Hi all.

This is my first post. The first time is always hard, and as I am typing this I am coming to the uncomfortable realization that I really don't have anything amazing to say about anything, let alone such a historic occasion as the inaugural post of a blog; then again I am doing this in the spirit of making something, so please excuse the awkwardness.

I want to make something, is the intent I want to say lies behind the creation of this blog. I am no artist, no genius. I'm the average bloke who life has largely passed on by. I am largely lazy and unfocused and that is why I want to set out  with this blog - there are things I want to be and things I want to do, and I want to record stuff for the only audience I really want to be reading this.

By audience, I'm talking about the me years from now. Solipsistic, I know; I am a bit crazy.

There are some things I care about and these subjects will be mostly what goes into my blog. I promise I won't go into rants too often.

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