Thursday, March 3, 2016

True Magic

He was laboring under a burden we are only now starting to understand. It must have been excruciating to continue functioning, and yet for all that he found some measure of happiness. And he spent all of his money and so much time just so he can get a hit of that happiness again.

The psychics were only too happy to oblige him his fantasies. They gave him the feeling that he was doing things, that he was getting closer to his goal. That somehow things were finally going his way. That there was a point... Sadly that's how occultism generally goes -  a great big con job.

I've been there, same as him. But I never let it get to the point he's in now. I was lucky - if I had been born with an active gene for substance abuse or mental disability, I would probably be right up there. But who knows what the future holds? I might still get to experience things from his point of view.

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