It's a difficult concept. There's the defining of things that you absolutely will not tolerate: the lines you will not cross, the lines you will not let others cross. But there's also the active enforcement of these lines; the very instant (or somewhat close to it) that these lines are crossed you must act to uphold them. And then there's also how and when you uphold the line - how hard do you push back? How do you make the other person not want to push back again? How do you make it so you avoid others pushing? How do you even accurately determine that the line was crossed?
Right now you also have to worry about the digital boundaries. I honestly haven't been keeping up, which is why this article I found was a godsend. It details some good software to secure my browser; it also educates quite well on the nature of the problem plaguing online privacy. I suppose it's strange that a web developer isn't more up-to-date with these things - but since I have not had to work on the analytics side tracking user information isn't that a big thing in my mind. This is a bad headspace to be in, so I highly recommend the article as a way to get started for everyone.
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