Imagine a point. It lives in only one dimension. Because of that it can't see at all. It wouldn't know a line from a fellow point.
Now a line itself lives in two dimensions, but would only be able to see one. It would only be able to recognize things that were on the same plane. Like a drawing on a leaf of a book, it wouldn't be able to see the drawings in the other leaves.
But we can see the leaves. We can see all the planes because we see in three dimensions. We can perceive depth - that there is something behind or in front of this two-dimensional space.
We see in three dimensions, because we live in four dimensions. The fourth dimension is time. It's the thing we can't see, but we can infer when something that was there before is no more.
Time is change. That is how we measure it. But if there were things that lived in the fifth dimension, they'd be able to see all four dimensions. And they would be able to see the past and the future as one present. On some level, our good and bad moments, even all those moments that slipped from us without us noticing, are forever.
So those who are not "with" us anymore, never really left. The experiences we've shared will always be.