Saturday, April 4, 2015

Painted Skin

Really starting to get into Chinese dramas... which is a problem as we don't get Chinese programming where I am. I really wouldn't mind if a DVD collection came out, but right now I'm trying to find it online where I can.

The series that I want to talk about is "Painted Skin." It was an offshoot of a very successful 2008 movie; the series was released in 2011. The series follows roughly the same events as the movie, but more emphasis is given to the characters' relationships and development.

The series also has some beautiful, quiet moments - although, full disclosure, I found myself skipping a lot because I was more interested in the villain Xiaowei (played hauntingly by Fiona Sit). I ended up rooting for her to get a happy ending.

I've already watched the end, and right now am in a thoughtful mood. If only there were a sequel...